Contact Us / Hall Hire
The Cedar Creek Public Hall is a perfect place for various events and classes!
Please note there are other Cedar Creek Halls and this hall is located in Closeburn approx. 40 min north of Brisbane with postcode 4520.
You will notice in the below hire information that we break down the areas of the hall, and pricing varies between the grounds and inside upstairs. We find that various groups and classes require the inside upstairs of the hall for their needs. However for most celebrations, and larger gatherings underneath the hall and grounds is the best space for these events. The downstairs has permanent tables, a kids corner and kitchen, thanks to the hard work of the committee and hall members this space now opens up onto the grounds. There are plenty of chairs and tables available, fridges, large esky fridge, urn and fire pits. Please read below for more information, and refer to our calendar to check your required date/s are available. Our rates are very affordable and 100% of money raised goes to the halls financial requirements and upkeep.
Hall Hire Info
Ongoing Hire
The Hall is a great place for various activities, we currently have ongoing hirers that offer Yoga and we would love to be able to assist more talented and creative people to use this space.
One-off Hire
The Hall is also a perfect spot for one-off events, however due to the proximity of nearby neighbours we can not cater to some requests.
Please send your hire/event details via the online form and one of our team will be in contact.
Please note – Wheel Chair access is only available on ground level.
ABN 98 060 764 067
For available dates, please check our calendar.
For other matters not related to hire, please contact our team via;
Hall Hire Event Details
Committee Members
Our team are a group of 8 residents that all live close by, with a keen interest in giving back to the local community; they volunteer their time to the Hall in various ways. The Management Committee meets monthly and they are here to assist if there are any questions you have about the events and activities taking place in the Cedar Creek Public Hall.
The Management Committee Members are;
President – Belinda Worden
Secretary – Glenda Vuillermin
Treasurer – Regina Jensen
General Committee
- AngusMcPherson
- Michael McGeever
- Brett Worden
- Angela Stomfai
- Karen Larsen
The Hall for All : All for the Hall